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Accounting Seed Data Migration

Unlimited Transactional History

Migrating your Financial Data Safely and Securely

A custom-built data ETL tool for Accounting Seed

SeedLink Connect is a bespoke ETL software tool written specifically for Accounting Seed Migrations.  Gone are the times of following hundreds of steps, only to have to repeat them again and again until your financial data is perfect

Automatic Transformations
Seedlink Connect will automatically transform all of the input data into Accounting Seed object format
Unlimited Transactions
Going back years in your old financial system? Not a problem, with the data automatically transformed, there is no limit to how far back we can go
Multiple Sandbox Passes
With each transformation and load being programmatic, we can tweak and run multiple passes of data to ensure the data is just right
Product screenshot

Seedlink Process

Our simple, 6 step process below outlines the SeedLink Connect process:

Connect your Financial Data Source
Select one of our pre-built connectors: Quickbooks (QBO), Netsuite, Cosmolex, Great Plains, Certinia, Epicor, Sage, Xero, or QuickBooks Desktop
Set your custom mappings
Work closely with our team to define your specific business process and how you are performing your accounting. We will build out the map for you.
Seedlink Connect will take the data from your Financial Data Source, and programatically transform it for preparation of loading into Accounting Seed. No fumbing with spreadsheets or vlookups.
Sandbox Load
Run real-time reports in your Salesforce Sandbox with the freshly loaded data, browse through thousands of records to determine everything is just right
Audit and Revise
Upon reviewing the Salesforce Sandbox, provide input if there are any necessary changes before the Production push. We will push this to your Sandbox as many times as necessary to ensure it's squeaky clean
Production Data Load
Now that you've proofed the data, all that's left is for us to push go.

Looking for a Data Migration or maybe just a little Something More?

Having implemented and automated hundreds of Salesforce systems, we're ready to lend our expertise whether it be Accounting Seed automation or Salesforce related.

Related Articles

Learn more about our data migration services through our blog and case studies.